轮播图组建需要自动轮播,我想到了使用 setTimeout 来解决 setInterval 可能越来越快的问题。心里想着:这我还不轻松拿下?一番奋战后于是就有了以下代码
tsx 自动换行 复制
const Swiper : React . FC < SwiperProps > = ( props ) => {
const {
autoplay ,
duration ,
} = props ;
const [ currentIndex , setCurrentIndex ] = useState < number >( 0 );
const [ timer , setTimer ] = useState < number >();
const childrenLength = React . Children . count ( children );
function next () {
if ( currentIndex > childrenLength - 2 ) {
setCurrentIndex ( 0 );
else {
setCurrentIndex ( currentIndex + 1 );
function prev () {
if ( currentIndex <= 0 ) {
setCurrentIndex ( childrenLength - 1 );
else {
setCurrentIndex ( currentIndex - 1 );
// TODO autoplay
function autoPlay () {
if ( autoplay ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-new-array
new Array ( React . Children . count ( children ))
. fill ( 0 )
. forEach (() => {
return new Promise (( resolve ) => {
const timerId = setTimeout (() => {
next ();
}, duration );
setTimer ( timerId );
resolve ( true );
useEffect (() => {
autoPlay (); // error
return () => {
if ( autoplay )
clearTimeout ( timer );
}, [ timer , currentIndex , autoplay ]);
return (
// ...组件内容
< div />
Swiper . defaultProps = {
// ...
export default Swiper ;
66 行 提醒
Warning: Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component calls setState inside useEffect, but useEffect either doesn't have a dependency array, or one of the dependencies changes on every render
这时会报错且页面不能加载(报错详情见上文)。在我询问了群里的大佬后,得知有一个 useCallback 貌似可以解决我的问题。
使用 useCallback 将 next 和 autoPlay 进行了一次包装。
为什么要使用 useCallback 将 next 函数也进行改造呢?
不使用 useCallback 将 next 进行包裹会有如下报错: Warning: Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component calls setState inside useEffect, but useEffect either doesn't have a dependency array, or one of the dependencies changes on every render
tsx 自动换行 复制
const next = useCallback (() => {
if ( currentIndex > childrenLength - 2 ) {
setCurrentIndex ( 0 );
else {
setCurrentIndex ( currentIndex + 1 );
}, [ currentIndex , childrenLength ]);
useEffect (() => {
// autoPlay(); // error
const autoPlay = useCallback (() => {
const timer = setTimeout (() => {
next ();
autoPlay ();
}, duration );
return () => {
if ( autoplay )
clearTimeout ( timer );
}, [ timer , currentIndex , autoplay ]);
}, [ duration , next , autoplay ]);
useEffect (() => {
if ( autoplay ) {
autoPlay ();
}, [ autoplay , autoPlay ]);
30 行 嘿嘿,有问题不能自己死磕,还是得问问!